I Don't Know How To Feel


    Washington has looked pretty decent against Tampa Bay in the first half of their game today. Nobody, and I mean nobody, could have predicted that the 2-6 Team would come out and hold a 16-3 first half lead against the Bucs. So this should make me feel good, right?

    I honestly don't know. There's no way that this team makes it to the playoffs, and Chase Young just went down with a knee injury, which is never a good sign. So, as weird as this sounds as a fan of the franchise... I kind of want them to lose. 

    It's clear Washington does not have a QB for the future, and we all know that's the kiss of death in the modern NFL. In what is being described as a weaker Quarterback draft class, I would think it prudent to get the highest possible draft position to secure the best possible talent.

    But even with that in mind... my team is winning, and that's a really good feeling. I just don't know what to think.
