Give It A Try, You Might Be Surprised: The PLL


Ok, I know what you're saying. If you don't know me that well, you're asking yourself, "lacrosse? Why on earth would I be interested?" If you do know me, then you're asking yourself, "lacrosse? Again with this guy?" I get it, lacrosse isn't the most well known sport, and in some cases has some negative stereotypes it has yet to dispel.

But let's talk about why you should give the Premier Lacrosse League a shot. I'm not asking for you to put your heart and soul into it, nor am I going to make any major proclamations about the game. What I want to do is give you all of the reasons it's worth giving it a watch with an open mind. Let's go.

1. What other sports are really worth it over the summer? Alright, so this looks like a cheap point to make right off the bat, but I understand that normal avenues aren't going to attract some people to the game. So let's be real, are you really that interested in watching over 150 games of baseball? The NBA championship will start soon, and there's only one game. The Stanley Cup title is in the same position.

Every weekend the PLL plays, there are five games. One on Fridays, two on Saturdays and Sundays. That gives you three days worth of options to work with. You want to watch basketball or hockey? Awesome, those will be done in plenty of time to catch a quick lax game. Speaking of...

2. The games move fast. The PLL designed their games to move quickly, so you as a viewer don't have to commit a ton of time to them. Both the pace of play and the pace of the clock will have you feeling like you're in and out in no time. And since we're on the subject of pace of play...

3. Who doesn't love high flying action? Blink and you'll miss it. No, really, PLL games have action that comes and goes at such a high rate that you can't look away if you want to see what happened. This isn't high school or even college lacrosse. This is the best of the best, and that means the level of skill has to be taken to all new levels in order to achieve success. Any team can beat any team, not because of mediocre play, but because everyone is just so damn good that anything can happen.

4. Trying new things is fun! I'm not looking to make life long fans out of anyone with this post. I'm just looking to bring a little extra fun to your summer. I know that the PLL can't replace leagues like the NFL, or NBA, and there's no reason to act like it will. Instead, let this be a way to kick back, get your fix for competition and have a beer or two while you're at it. Not to mention you can throw a few dollars on the game now...

5. Get your fix, you lovable degenerate. Sports gambling is growing! Well ok, it was already here, opportunities are just becoming easier to access. Why not throw $5 on a game and see if you can win yourself some extra beer money. Once you get some personal skin in the game you'll find yourself much more invested in what's going on. Plus it adds to the fun and excitement!

6. What's The Worst That Can Happen? Is this really the point you're going to end with, Sean? Yes, voice in my head, it is. Why? Because I'm completely serious. What's the worst that happens, you try out a new sport to watch, enjoy what you see, and have something new to add to your rotation. Or, what I hope doesn't happen occurs, and you don't enjoy what you saw. That said, even if you don't enjoy it, the most you lost was two hours of your day trying something new. Would it really be that bad in the long run? Give it a shot!
