We can all agree that waiting on a new album release is the absolute worst, right? In the realm of mainstream music, Kanye West and Drake both recently dropped new albums after both artists drove their fanbases nuts with anticipation of the release. Kanye in particular... but what else is new with him. I'm not much of a fan of Donda or Certified Lover Boy, so I wasn't too caught up in the hype, and ultimately the frustration of waiting on their release. I am instead eagerly awaiting the release of the new Ice Nine Kills album, currently slated for October 15th.
Oh, yeah, I should mention that I listen to a lot of metalcore and similar genres so my music tastes may not align with yours. But I think we can still agree on the overall premise that I'm going for here.
INK announced their new album The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood several months ago, and I was totally ok with that. The release date in October was far enough away that I could stash this in the back of my mind to revisit when the date got closer; or whenever my Spotify reminded me, whichever came first. Well, Spencer Charnas and the rest of the band decided to give their fans the ultimate tease and have been slowly releasing new singles months in advance of the release date.
Worth noting before I go any further: the band is also doing a killer video series to go along with songs from their most recent album, the Silver Scream that is rolling into their appropriately titled sequel. The video series is basically the story of a serial killer (sensing a theme here yet?) tied to their songs. The songs are tied to the best, and most classic horror films that Hollywood has produced. You've got everything from IT to their most recent release tied to Resident Evil. Even if you're not a fan of the horror genre, the video series is worth checking out to see the incredible work the band has put into it.
Ok, back to the main point. Each song they've release so far, Hip to be Scared, Assault & Batteries and the most recent release Rainy Day, have been absolutely killer singles. If The Silver Scream 2 is anything like its predecessor then why must they make me wait?! Every song off The Silver Scream was phenomenal, and I'm expecting the same on this album based on what I've seen so far. I know this is a first world problem, but I'm dying a little inside having to wait for the new stuff. I just want to dive head first into the album and soak everything up so I can break it down, see what I love, what I like, and if there were any misses.
I want to be understanding of the artistic process, and I do see how this can be a good marketing tactic. But damnit I just want this album injected into my veins!!!
Do the right thing Spencer, release this album sooner. Other artists need to take note too. Making your fans wait so long isn't cool.
I'm looking directly at you with my last comment 3 Pill Morning. We all know it's past time for your next album. Let's go already.
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