How is Penn State not wearing All White for a White Out Game?


    On today's edition of Explain It To Sean: Penn State is not wearing all white for their White Out game tonight. Instead, Auburn is coming in wearing all white. That includes their helmets, with white facemasks. 

    So let me get this straight, Penn State. You have this tradition of a white out game that is massively beloved by your fans. They all follow expectations and show up wearing only white. So you're natural selection for jerseys this week is....... blue? This doesn't make any sense to me. I've been to countless "*insert your choice in color here* games" and the home team always wears the corresponding color. I mean, University of Maryland has 4 colors they can choose from and yet they always coordinate. Penn State only has 2...

    So somebody please make this make sense. Why did Penn State seemingly go against the WhiteOut? #explainittosean 
