What the New WFT Name Needs to Be


    According to CBSSports the Washington Football Team has reduced its options for a new franchise nickname down to eight. I'm not here to debate the merits of each name because there is only one correct answer. For those who have opposing ideas that's wonderful, but here's why you're wrong...

    Washington Redwolves is the one and only answer to the question. Why? Let's start with the obvious, wolves are awesome. Do I have a large tattoo of a wolf on my chest? Yes, and so what if I do? 

How often does the phrase lone wolf get thrown around? Well, that can be translated into individual success being promoted in the nations capital instead of diminished. The other good part to that is its factually inaccurate that wolves tend to travel alone; they tend to travel in a pack. So one could jump to the conclusion that and individual's success could be the success of the pack, that person is just the leader and most visible. No matter how you cut it, wolves are a symbol of strength, power and hunger. The DC football club needs to be hungry for better days, this is how they start on the right foot.

    Oh you want some other reasons too? Well let's look at the other reported options:

  • Armada
  • Brigade
  • Commanders
  • Defenders
  • Presidents
  • Redhogs
  • Keeping Washington Football Team as the only name

    I mean, are you kidding me with this list? Normally I'd love a name like Armada, but DC doesn't actually have a fleet within city limits, making this seem nonsensical. The Naval Academy may be close by, but Baltimore has just as much of a claim to it if they really want to take it, so I feel like that nullifies things further. Also, Brigade or Commanders? Does everything DC have to be so military or politically related? It's becoming old hack at this point. Speaking of... Presidents? This one is probably the biggest joke of them all. A league that is majority black will have a team nicknamed after the highest office in the land which has had a grand total of one black man hold the title. What's a great way to alienate your players? Make them feel like they can't relate to the team even more than normal.

    I'll give Redhogs a little bit of credit here. This does have ties to the fanbase and the Hogs that have patronized the organization for longer than I've been alive. This would be a great way to ingratiate yourself with the fans and I can't ignore that. However, unless we're talking about feral hogs, which are native to areas with no connection to DC, pigs are prey, not predators. Why would I want to be on a team where opponents can mock me with lines like "I'm going to fry you like bacon"? How do you have a comeback for that? You don't, because no such comeback exists. I'd rather be the predator, not the prey.

    Some people have argued that the name Washington Football Team gives the club a little bit of an English Premier League feel. While I can't argue with this, I can argue that Redwolves is simply a better option. I don't want to refer to the team I cheer for as "the Team." It's just bland, and I want some spice on my plate. Any name picked will have the some section of the internet rolling in laughter, but sticking with this will pull out the crowd that will claim no effort was put into the name. That's just unacceptable. The franchise has had so many problems they cannot allow a misstep such as this to occur.

    Redwolves has been, still is, and will always be the answer.    
