This is the last weekend for preseason games in the NFL. Oh thank goodness that means real games start next... wait... what? We have to wait two weeks for the season to kick-off for real? What is the NFL thinking?!
Normally the NFL gets every move they make correct. But the scheduling of preseason to the start of the regular season was a major miss by the Shield. We have one less preseason game thanks to the addition of a 17th regular season game, but I didn't know that meant they would also take out a whole week and just have nothing going on as well.
Sure, you can make the argument that this gives teams a little extra time to be at maximum health to start the season, but that's a terrible argument to make. Injuries are going to happen, and they don't discriminate in who they take down, or when. Giving the players one extra week before the season starts really won't do much. If it did, then the NFL would have had teams with bye weeks in Week 1 already. There's a reason the byes are set for the middle of the season, and that teams have different weeks.
We want games as a society. Even if you're giving us less than a full dose because of bye weeks, we want the games. Actually, no, we need the games. America as a whole is addicted to football, and none of us are going to rehab anytime soon. I just can't understand why the NFL would take Labor Day weekend off entirely.
Is it a favor to the NCAA so they can own that weekend for football? Was there some major administrative shakeups that nobody knows about that makes this impossible? Is Thanos threatening to half the world's population if they play that weekend? It doesn't make sense! I'm already tired of preseason games that are meaningless, and having to wait an extra week for games that matter is just annoying me more.
Start your season already, damnit!
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