The No Fun Police are at it again. According to this article, Samantha Peer and her husband both lost their jobs as middle school teachers in Arizona over the couple's OnlyFans account. It seems like the big issue that broke the proverbial camel's back, although though I'm sure the husband was also breaking hers, was one film in particular that took place inside one of their classrooms.
The Peers said that they filmed this scene on a weekend, with no kids in the building and I'm personally inclined to believe them. Look, it's hard enough to get comfortable in your own home with the idea of being filmed. Then imagine something as small as having a dog in the house that you aren't sure is going to wreck the couch while you and your partner are getting it on. Feeling uncomfortable?
Now imagine taking that sort of show on the road, but instead of a dog you're talking about middle school children. The idea of children in general is ridiculous, but doing that with middle schoolers in the building? I don't know about you, but I remember middle school being the most awkward 3 years of my life. That whole situation seems like a disaster waiting to happen, and I have no doubt the Peers chose to do it on a weekend specifically to avoid having kids around.
But how are we as a society, going to act like we don't know this is going on? Teachers are notoriously underpaid and undervalued. Hell, I spend plenty of time being told I'm just a glorified babysitter as a teacher. It's well known and well documented that teachers have to have a side hustle or two to keep up with the necessities in life. Why not capitalize on a well known, and very common fetish for the naughty teacher lovers out there? It's simple, clean, and has an extra air of legitimacy to it seeing as the two performers are genuine teachers.
If I'm the school district, I'd much rather this "controversy" over what happened in South Dakota last year. That was degrading without much thought behind it. At least if there's degradation going on within the Peers' videos it's meant to be a turn on. I want justice for the Peers. Give them their jobs back, or at least their teaching certificates so they can go find a new district to work in.
It's 2022. Stop kink shaming.
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