I've Said This Once and I'll Say it Again


People who own small breed dogs are the absolute worst part of society. I already wrote one blog about this but it's been a while so I'm bringing it back.

I'm sitting in the Denver airport in the middle of a 2 hour layover, minding my own business, when I witness the biggest display of social arrogance I can think of. A woman walked by a family of 7, That's right, family of 7, with her tiny little rug worm and the little demon stops in it's tracks to take a piss. 

That's bad enough on its own because it's not the dogs fault, it doesn't know it doesn't belong here. It just got a call from nature and went to answer. And this menace to society is owned by the type of woman who has the audacity to just leave his puddle of pee without cleaning out up! Oh, key detail, the dog was less than 3 feet from the closest child of that family of 7. Three feet!!!!

Who do these people think they are that they believe they can get away with this? Why are we as a society not doing something about this? If this were a real sized dog the owner would be tarred, feathered and the dog put down because someone would think that's a sign of aggression or something like that. 

I don't like small animals. I definitely don't like small dogs. But more than anything, I despise the people who own small dogs. Send them all to jail with extreme prejudice. All. Of. Them.
