And the Award For Worst Mom of the Year Goes To....


    If you haven't heard of the story about a 10 year old in New York getting a massive tattoo on his forearm, I suggest you read it now. 

    Don't get me wrong, I have a few tattoos myself so I'm not opposed to them, but a tattoo of your name? Come on man, we gotta be better than that. Unless your child is diagnosed with chronic amnesia and needs the tattoo as a reminder this is an AWFUL idea when getting ink. Plus the child is 10! Which, now that I think about it, makes me more surprised that he didn't want a Pokemon tat or something like that. 

    Obviously it's a problem that a kid who is 10 years old got a tattoo at all, but what are we teaching this kid? Should his next tattoo be a square of blue ink if his favorite color is blue? Where's the creativity? The work into creating a good design? The general ability for artistic taste? Everybody in this situation has failed, including the police. They should've been more concerned about educating the mom on how to not be a dunce with artistic choices like this one.

    Be better, people.
