They Couldn't Even Get the Jerseys Right!


    *Giant, exasperated sigh*

    Just once, I would like the D.C. football franchise to get something right. I won't go too far into the name again, I've already written a blog about that. So let's talk jerseys. With a lot of talk coming out before they came out about how the players were excited and how fans would love them. I didn't set my expectations high, knowing how this franchise has treated me for nearly 29 years, but even still they fell flat. I'll have something that could be a surprise for you guys at the end, but here's what I got for them:

    1. Burgundy - Ok so this jersey they did get right, minus the pants. We can't combo burgundy on burgundy, whenever we do that our players look like they belong in the packaged meats section of the grocery store. I love the gold and white accents on the arm, the matte burgundy helmet is excellent, as is the W logo. The new nickname inside two bars is kind meh for me, and I probably would've enjoyed more of a Stars and Bars D.C. flag lean. Give this jersey some gold pants and you've got me sold.

    2. White - Are we the Arizona Cardinals now? I mean, seriously, this looks like what the Cards would've done with a jersey update, which they desperately need for their whites. There's no gold to accent the burgundy, and it's just plain. This is without a doubt, the JV jersey of the group.

    3. Black - Ok, here's my problem. I normally love black jerseys. But I can't with these. Not with them taking the place of a gold primary jersey, which should be the team's alternate look over black. Not to mention these look like they were ripped right off of Arizona State (were the focus groups hosted in Phoenix or something?) and what their black jerseys look like. 

    Really not that much of a difference, right? And I love when ASU goes to their black unis. The difference is they actually have gold jerseys, which the Commanders do not. I want to like our black alternates, but I can't allow myself to do it until they right the wrong of no gold.

So here's my surprise for everyone (it's not really a surprise, but I wanted to get your attention). Has anyone noticed a trend with the last several jersey reveals in the NFL? Take a look: 

    Let me know when you see it.
