Dodgeball Is the Best Game in Gym Class, Change My Mind


    So this blog comes out as a direct response to the blog post that Jordie from Barstool just published stating that floor hockey is the best game to play in gym class growing up. Well I hate to brake it to Jordie, but he chose the second best option. Don't get me wrong, floor hockey is awesome and I loved playing it, but nothing compared to the sweet, sweet simplicity of dodgeball.

    Most kids in this generation won't get a chance to play dodgeball growing up because it's considered too rough and too much risk for head injuries. I know the kids in my elementary school can personally thank me and Christine Potenzone's face for why they can't play the game anymore. Dodgeball was, and still is the best though.

    It's a game of skill disguised in reckless abandon. Yes your hurling the ball as hard as you can with bad intentions, but you had to pick your spots, make sure you weren't setting yourself up to get pegged by some kid on a counter-attack. You had to be ready to drop down to snag a catch and get your teammates back in when the opportunity came.

    Dodgeball separated the strong from the weak, the strategists from the sacrificial pawns, and always had a lesson to teach you even if it came in the form of a concussion. I've met a lot of children, and adults who could benefit from a good humbling on the dodgeball court. And unlike floor hockey, there's plenty of opportunities to do so in rec leagues and semi-professional leagues once you grow up.
