I hate being so Late to a Show


   You ever see a show on Netflix while you're trying to find something new to watch and go, "that looks interesting, but maybe later"? I haven't done that just once, or twice, I do it all the time and it drives me nuts.

    Take the Netflix hit Money Heist for example. Did this show reach a fever pitch like Squid Game did? Definitely not. But is this show off the charts levels of good? Oh yeah. On the surface this show is just a bunch of bank robbers looking to make a ton of cash. You've got some typical character archetypes (the genius who comes up with the plans tries to avoid the main action, the meatheads that are there just to be meatheads, and the x-factor main character who goes through an emotional roller coaster).

    So what makes this show so good? The leader of this group, The Professor as he's known, ventures away from the typical head honcho role where they normally stay behind the scenes, never getting their hands dirty. Not only does this guy get his hands dirty, he might want to wash himself with some bleach after one particular scene. When his plan falls a part he has a couple contingency plans that you would expect him to have, but he's also forced to think on his feet, which most writers miss out on.

    It probably won't come as any shock that there is one character, the on-site leader, who is so self-absorbed over his image, that he himself nearly causes the whole plan to go up in flames. Pedro Alonso does a phenomenal job of making his character both charming, with a hint of despicable behind him. These guys are normally so upfront and obtuse about it that there's no way anyone could believe, "oh yeah you seem like a nice guy" on the surface. Alonso pulls it off magically.

    Those are only a few examples, and I could go on and on about the show. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to ask, no to beg, anyone who has the same problem I do, where you're always late to some of the best series and movies out there, please let me know. I can't be the only one, and we need to form a support group for our people.
