A Conversation with an Exhausted Fan


I want to be very clear about something before I get into the teeth of this blog. I'm not interested in involving myself in most, if not next to all, hot-button issues. I normally don't have the time, the energy nor the patience during my day-to-day that many others do. So with that in mind, I think it's pretty notable when I do find the time and energy for this.

Enter Julie Donaldson of the Washington Football Team.

Do I know Donaldson all that well, no. In fact, as a person it's accurate to say I don't know her at all. What I do know is that she is the Senior VP of Media & Content for the Team Formerly Known as the Racial Epithets. A pretty prominent role within any organization, let alone an NFL team. 

As many are aware, there has been no shortage of controversy around the Washington franchise. Beth Wilkinson conducted an investigation into the organization and the written details of this report have been conveniently kept quiet by Daniel Snyder, Roger Goodell and their constituents.

Fans have been tired of the organization and its crap for years, but now the general public is joining on a heavier level with the release, or lack there of, of more and more information. While the public outcry for more accountability and info has increased, Snyder and his office cronies have been doing everything they can to answer questions as vaguely as possibly to avoid public culpability and responsibility. 

While most everyone was working their normal 9-5 this past Friday, a conversation on Twitter was sparked that Donaldson joined in on. This conversation was centered around commentary that Washington was doing what they could to improve the franchise culture, and those commentating stating that what was being released wasn't enough. A call for her to support the release of the Wilkinson report was made and it turned into Donaldson saying she'd be happy to have a conversation and the concerns the people were having. 

I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by. 

I'm a fan of this franchise. I've been despondent about how things have been going, all the information that's coming out, and the lack of what I feel is significant action. I'm also not a professional journalist, so I wasn't bound by a level of professional neutrality, so I felt I could ask any question or hold her feet to the fire if I really felt it necessary.

I came out with the intention of being honest and not mincing words, but also not trying to come out as a full frontal attack on Donaldson personally. That wouldn't have done any good and I wanted to be taken seriously. Also, it is a general consensus among fans and the public that no matter what anyone says, Dan Snyder is pulling all the strings at all times. Whether it's true or not, we're at the point where most people won't believe anything else. 

This part's pretty simple: why would anyone trust this franchise right now?

This is an idea that could work in theory to me, but I wouldn't be shocked if a Snyder found a way to undermine this and still get around any real level of accountability. 

PR students take note, this would have been a perfectly executed non-answer response. No specific details, no admission to anything other than a lack of being perfect. Most people would accept this. Most people aren't me. 

More non-answers. At this point I'm already tired of it and decide to start tightening the screws. As you can see, Donaldson's response was to get defensive, which isn't a good look no matter how you put it. What's wrong with being specific Julie? Afraid of telling us what you're doing to try and be better people? Seems odd.

Apologies for the overlap but I wanted to make sure I got every detail. I'm not having this conversation because I enjoy having it. I'm having it because it's necessary. I wish it wasn't, but this is our reality. 

Conversation done, time to answer the questions, Julie. 

Answer the question, Julie. 

And now that I'm making it clear I refuse to take it easy, she cuts off the conversation before she has to get into any real details. 

Draw your own conclusions. Was I biased as a fan exhausted of this franchise's constant bullshit, absolutely. But to me it's pretty clear that nobody in charge here wants to actually change things as drastically as they need to be. 

I hope you feel the same. Please let me know if you don't, I'm happy to have a more civil conversation with people who aren't associated with the franchise and are on the outside looking in like myself. 
