Wednesdays are a necessity in Football Season

    I, like most Americans, love football season. Many of us look forward to this time of year, and have been knowing to turn into the form of a potato when games are on. As I grow older I'm learning the necessity, and quality of having a day away from the game to recharge batteries and get ready for the next week of action.

    When the NFL came out with Thursday Night Football, the game changed forever. There was an established schedule of events already in place, Friday was for high school, Saturdays for college, Sundays for NFL with one prime time game on Mondays. There were three days we had as a society to catch our breath, knock out some things around the house, and get ready for the next weekend. Now, all we get is two.

    Tuesdays are the catch-up day for football fans. You start thinking to the week ahead, check your fantasy results, make some roster moves, talk about your favorite team with your friends, family, coworkers, etc. Even without any actual football games, there's a lot that goes on so we can get the week that's just past and get it out of our systems. But now, instead of having two more days to get ready for what comes next, everything needs to be crammed into one day.

    So needless to say, Wednesdays are a crucial day of the football season. First, it's hump day for a traditional American work week, but once you clock out, its on to productivity town. Any chores that can be knocked out prior to the weekend can and should be knocked out on these days. Why? Do you really want to walk away from the TV during the weekend? I thought not. The only reasonable excuses are anything to do with children and/or taking care of your dogs.

    Once the chores are done its time to recharge your battery. There are no games on, other sports are either inactive or very dull (baseball), so you've got time. Catch up on your Netflix watch list, see a new movie, say hi to your wife/husband/partner who continues to put up with you despite this odd obsession with our nations favorite sport. Most importantly, rest your brain up. There's a full slate of games on the horizon.

    Things are set for a great fall/winter in football. Just remember to take full advantage of your Wednesdays when they come!
