Antonio Brown is still the NFL's biggest enigma


    Why does Antonio Brown continue to be the way that he is? He's put himself in so many dump spots, whether he's got baby mama drama, drama with his own team or causing himself to have issues with the police. You would think after all of that, he might decided to calm down, take things seriously, recognize that this stop in Tampa is probably his last chance to leave his career on a positive note.


    Instead, we get his player introduction as "Boomin' University." Now, this isn't that big of a deal in most cases, but dude has to know his life stays on a sheet of thin ice. Any silly little thing you do will be under a microscope and the world will, rightfully or not, judge you harshly for it. I've got my judge robes on, my gavel in my hand, and a verdict ready to go. Antonio Brown, you are guilty of continued stupidity, and despite this being a minor infraction, the continued history of idiocy has led me to the hand down this pretend punishment:

    Disappear from the public eye forever and never come back. Save us all the time and trouble. Goodbye.
